As Halloween quickly approaches, we are surrounded by all things spooky and scary. One thing that many chiropractic practice owners and entrepreneurs are afraid of is failure. The idea of the fearless leader often coms to mind, but being fearless isn’t what makes you a great leader. What is important when it comes to fears is learning how to face them and use them to improve yourself.
The fear of failure is one that can stop many entrepreneurs in their tracks, no matter how much the reward is worth the risk. If we let it, fear causes us to miss out on so many opportunities before we can reach our full potential. Instead of allowing fear to stop you, use fear as a way to help solidify your path forward. Here’s how to embrace your fear of failure and achieve your goals.
Determine what you want.
When you are thinking about your future and are overcome with fear, give yourself a pause. Fear can sometimes inhibit your ability to see your goal as you get lost in emotion. Take a timeout and reflect on what it is that you want. Is your goal to bring in a certain amount of new patients? Is it to speak at a conference or develop your educational blogs?
Think about when you treat your chiropractic patients. Your adjustments help your patient’s bodies become more stabilized. Think of fear as a motivator to stabilize your own goals. When you are afraid of failing, envision yourself accomplishing that goal to stabilize yourself. When you can truly see your goal, you are better able to tackle it.
Identify what is stopping you from reaching your goals.
Once you’ve stabilized yourself and have clarity on what your goals are, take the time to reflect and realize what it is that is making you fearful. Are you afraid of criticism? Are you afraid of being limited in expressing your knowledge? Are you afraid of competing chiropractors? What is it that makes you afraid?
When you understand what is stopping you, you can overcome it. If you don’t see the roadblock, you can’t navigate around it. Embrace that hesitation so you can power through it.
Take ownership of your discomfort.
Your fears hold the key to opportunities for growth. There is nothing wrong with being fearful — all of us are afraid of something, after all. Your fear doesn’t have power over you; it gives you the power to improve.
Let’s say you want to start a health and wellness fair, but you are afraid your colleagues will dislike your opinions. Your opinions are what make you unique. Your opinions hold your power. Own those opinions and own that power! Conversations, ideas, and projects don’t happen because everyone thinks the same way. Whatever energy you are putting into being afraid, harness it and use it to face and conquer your fears.
Find comfort in the uncomfortable.
Now that you’ve recognized a clear part toward your goal, it is time to restart your journey. You might feel uncomfortable, but that’s okay. Take one small step. Then another one. Push yourself outside of your comfort zone as that is where growth truly happens.
Say you’ve decided you want to present at a conference, but you are afraid your topic isn’t good enough to be considered. Start by applying at smaller events. List your accomplishments to see all that you’ve done. This will help you realize all that you are capable of doing. Put yourself out there and understand you will hear the word “no”, as the more comfortable you are with learning from rejection, the less scary it becomes. As Mark Cuban says, “Every ‘no’ gets [you] closer to a ‘yes.’”
If you aren’t even just the slightest bit uncomfortable, you’re not putting yourself out there and you aren’t getting any closer to achieving your goal. If you stay comfortable, you’ll maintain where you’re at (which is what you should really be afraid of!). There is always room for growth and improvement, and we are here to help you on your journey. To learn more about how ChiroDestiny can help you achieve your goals, both personally and professionally, click here for a free coaching call.