
Do You Have a Gratitude Attitude?

It seems like before Halloween was even over, stores all over the United States started setting their sights on Black Friday sales and holiday shopping lists. The sense of Thanksgiving has started to fade in recent years as some people even skip Thanksgiving all together to wait for the latest deals. What most probably don’t realize is that taking the time to show your gratitude may benefit your health.

Employee Recognition and Thankfulness

Thanksgiving is a time of the year to reflect on the gratitude we feel for the people in our lives. It is a great habit to have in your practice to regularly thank your employees, and if you aren’t doing that already, now the time to start. Showing appreciation to your employees will show them that their work is valued and will motivate them to continue to do a great job. It also encourages your team to pass the gratitude to others in the workplace, and you will see personal as well as professional growth. Here are a few ways you can show your staff how thankful you are this Thanksgiving.